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28 Days to Powerful Prayer

Never Underestimate the Power of Prayer

Do you need God to do some things bigger than you can? Better than you can? Faster than you can? More long-lasting than you can?

If you do, you need to prioritize your prayer life!

Do you believe that God can do things bigger than you can? Better than you can? Faster than you can? More long-lasting than you can?

If you do, you will maximize and optimize your prayer life!

Never Underestimate the Power of Prayer

All of us know that, but most of us need the reminder. We need the motivation, inspiration and instruction.

So, we will be taking 28 Days to stretch and strengthen our prayer lives. Everyday on this page there will be:

· An inspiring quote

· A short block and

· A short, practical video.

I encourage you to maximize your learning by diving into all three: the quote, the blog and the video.

I am convinced that we are living at the most strategic time in history. It has never been more important for Christ followers to develop contagious, multi-faceted, specific, persistent, expectant prayer lives.

Never Underestimate the Power of Prayer

· Choose to pray five more minutes a day

· Choose to pray with more prayer elements each day.

· Choose to pray for five big things every day.

These next 28 days will change your life if you do your part.

Dive into the quote, the blog and the video. And most of all PRAY!

Never Underestimate the Power of Prayer

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